B.Sc. (Animation)
B.Sc. Animation is a three years undergraduate degree program offered by Savitribai Phule Pune University. Through the program, the students will get to learn about the creation of an illusion of change and motion of images and the process of drawing, designing, and preparation of photographic sequences which are integrated with gaming and multimedia. B.Sc. Animation program conveys the technical skills needed for a career in animation, with a strong foundation in core principles of art and design to the eligible candidates. It is a blend of both traditional theories with the application- based modules. The curriculum of the program comprises application of software programs, photoshop and flash and computer-generated animation. B.Sc. in Animation prepares students for the professional world of animation by building confidence and equipping them with suitable skills.
- To familiarize the students with various approaches, methods and techniques of Animation Technology.
- To develop competencies and skills needed for becoming an effective Animator.
- To master in traditional and digital tools to produce stills and moving images.
- To explore different approaches in computer animation.
- To enable students to manage animation projects from its conceptual stage to the final product creation.
a)Higher Secondary School Certificate (10+2) or its Equivalent Examinations with English with any three subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Geography etc,
b)Three years Diploma course of Board of Technical Education conducted of Government of Maharashtra or its equivalent.
c)Higher Secondary School Certificate (10+2) or its Equivalent Examinations with English and any of the following vocational subjects in technical group of +2 level H.S.C. VocationalSubjects are: Electrical Maintenance, Mechanical Maintenance, General Civil Engineering, Electronics, Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics Technology (EA, EB, EC)
d)Qualifying Elementary/ Intermediate school level drawing examination is desirable.
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